Minneapolis School Bus Trips & Athletics and Field Trip Travel

Almost every grade in every school will have a field trip scheduled at least once per school year. There are over 2,000 public schools in Minnesota alone. That adds up to quite a few field trips that require large groups of students to be transported from their school to the trip location. Richfield Bus Company provides motorcoach transportation services for school trips going to any location. We work with groups of all ages, from kindergarten to high school students. Because we offer school trip transportation to minors and very young children, safety is our number one concern. All of our drivers undergo background checks and are required to complete physical evaluations every two years. We also comply with strict federal regulations for service hours to ensure our drivers are well-rested before and after each trip.

Safety is Our Priority

Richfield Bus Company’s safety directors and staff have extensive training in accident prevention. Our vehicles receive full maintenance before they are allowed on the road, including comprehensive safety checks and routine care. We follow the safety standards of the United States Department of Transportation, International Motorcoach Group (IMG) and the United Motorcoach Association (UMA).

Not only do schools require bus/motorcoach transportation services for field trips, there are also many other trips that occur throughout the school year, including athletics, choir, band, chess, mathletes, and many other kinds of events.

We know that keeping a group of students on a strict schedule can be difficult, and any delays in the transportation process will make staying on schedule even harder. To help teachers, coaches, and school administrations stick to their schedules for school trips, we have a broad support system that can send replacement motorcoaches in the rare event of possible mechanical problems. While we almost never have problems with our vehicles, we can’t guarantee zero chance of something happening. If there are ever mechanical issues, our support network can quickly respond with a vehicle that will get students back on schedule.

The reason why we see so few mechanical issues during a trip is because we believe safety starts with prevention. With routine maintenance, preventative care, and safety inspections, our vehicles meet high standards for commercial transport vehicles. For school trips of any kind, Richfield Bus Company is the safest and most reliable transportation service in the Twin Cities area.

Schedule Your Student Athletics, Field Trip Travel, or School Bus Trip Today

To learn more about our school trip transportation capabilities, contact Richfield Bus Company today at (952) 881-1111 or email us at info@richfieldbus.com.